Application of pseudonymization technology in healthcare

Apr 11, 2022 | News

Thanks to the large volume of data, the healthcare sector has the capacity to improve the diagnosis and modeling of clinical outcomes, to help evaluate early intervention strategies, etc. Technological progress in healthcare creates a growing demand for large medical databases that would offer solutions in areas such as disease diagnosis and phenotyping, modeling of clinical outcomes, prediction of early intervention strategies, precision medicine, etc. At the same time, the growing volume of digitized medical data processing increases the risks in terms of cyber security, data protection and the likelihood of data breaches.

The protection of health data must be considered a high priority given their sensitive nature and the impact they have on individuals (data subjects). From a cyber security perspective, the confidentiality, availability and integrity of medical data and related infrastructure is considered essential to provide timely, appropriate and uninterrupted medical care.

Due to the growing need to exchange and share information on the health of individuals between different stakeholders, it is essential that personal data processors collect and further process only the data necessary for their purposes and apply sound organizational and technical measures. to protect this personal data.

To this end, the ENISA report explains how techniques can be used to improve the level of protection of personal data through simple use cases.

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