Digital modelling of evacuation plans in buildings of interest and soft targets with elements of artificial intelligence

MBI is the principal investigator of the project, Digital modelling of evacuation plans in buildings of interest and soft targets with elements of artificial intelligence, on which Brno University of Technology
Gatum Advisory s. r. o. and VDT Technology a.s. also cooperate. The project is planned from 1 January 2022 until 31 December 2023.

The main objective of the project is to create and test a software platform for providing and displaying
data on the movement of people in objects falling within the definition of buildings of interest and soft targets, which are defined within the Methodology for the Protection of Population in Spatial Planning and Construction Proceedings and the Methodology of the Foundations of Soft Target Protection. The objective of this platform is the most accurate virtual simulation of evacuation scenarios in order to modify and streamline them.
Another objective of the project will be documentation describing the principles of the platform, proper use in practice and a research report evaluating the development and testing of the platform in real conditions with testing authorities.

A more detailed annotation and description of the objectives of the project proposal are available in the attached annex.

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